Training Plan for Business Administration Students in Marketing and Accounting: Intervention on the Difficulties in Research Writing


feasibility study
research writing

How to Cite

Fernando, S., Castro, N., Fernandez, M., Pastor, C. K., Tabisola, C. T., & David, C. E. (2020). Training Plan for Business Administration Students in Marketing and Accounting: Intervention on the Difficulties in Research Writing . Southeast Asian Journal of Science and Technology, 5(1), 24-27. Retrieved from


Successful feasibility Study and research writing depends on the competencies of writers because it might be a challenge for students to complete the study if identified difficulties were not addressed. This study aims to solve the difficulties of junior business administrators in writing a research paper and feasibility study through a training plan. The fourth-year graduating students are the respondents of the study, where a self-made validated questionnaire by the experts was utilized to measure the improvement of students in writing research after the training. The result shows that the majority of the respondents improved their own skills in the market and financial study. It is recommended that the training plan should be conducted yearly to improve the competencies of future students.


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