Vol 9 No 1 (2024): Southeast Asian Journal of Science and Technology
Southeast Asian Journal of Science and Technology


Sandra E. Calias, Benjamin Caoli, Renz Padilla, Jonaluo Tum-en, Kycer Clint Bacilio, Itso Lyn, Ginard S. Guaki
The Impact of BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) On Network Security: A Literature Review
Melbert P. Marafo, Brein Palay-en, Jofre Seth Kiniway, Gilbert Dulagan, Frederick Bugalin, John Bacasen, Ginard S. Guaki
Zero Trust Security in WFA Platforms: A Literature Review of Principles, Challenges and Best Practices
Jhaynher M. Felix, Bernie O. Colempep, Kyzer B. Lumbican, Libby Ihlyn B. Teofilo, Kyle Keith Pio, Jehanne W. Tomas, Paul Jayzer P. Comila
Smart Rad (Rider Alcohol Detector): A Motorcycle Safety System for La Trinidad, Benguet
Jehaiah P. Ambas, Sarah Mae S. Badol, Job A. Pongdad; Iverson M. Shog-Oy; Axel Curt Licay, Marielle Angela P. Fianza-Buya
Comparative Analysis of Starlink, Cellular Networks and Fiber Optics: Benefits, Applications, and Future Trends
Uli Wildan Nuryanto, Gema Ika Sari, Udin Suadma, Mamay Komarudin, Cliff Ervin David, Rozina Muzammil
Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on Financial Performance in The Biggest Manufacturing Sub-Sectors Contributors of Global Warming: Perspective Literature Review
Muhammad Khairul Umam, Sutisna, Umalihayati, Eka Suprayogi
The Role of Employee Retention in Mediating the Effect of Training Culture and Management Support on Employee Performance
Muhamad Sahril Muarif, Basrowi, Rani Sri Sumarsih, Dwi Juni Arti Herwadi, Alvin Nadian Damara, Intan Maulinda Sari, Silvia, Muhd Ariff Haziq, Nursaiyidah Anuar, Christian Mark DC Cabaluna
The Influence of Current Ratio, Debt to Equity Ratio, and Operating Expenses on Return on Equity Study on Raw Material Producing Companies in the Plantation Sub-Sector Listed on the IDX Period 2018 – 2023
Reinanda, Siti Rohmah, Uswatun Hasanah, Andriani Sariwardani, Gatot Hartoko, Nurhasan Nugroho, Popi Dayurni, Wahyu Wiguna, Akhmad Muklis, Meiby Zulfikar, M. Al Ghifari, Cecep Abdul Hakim, Desty Endrawati Subroto, Wan Su Emi, Jessica Ong, Magnimyde Fernandez
The Influence of Total Quality Management, Supply Chain Management, and Knowledge Management on Company Performance through Increasing Company Competitiveness
Evi Ratimah, Basrowi, Rani Sri Sumarsih, Sujatna, Taufik Kemal, Ma'rup Azis, Abdul Wahib, Wan Hasniah, Suraya Saudi, Lamuel Ventayen
Influence of Liquidity Ratio, Solvency Ratio, and Activity Ratio on Profitability Ratio
Bella Renita, Basrowi, Rani Sri Sumarsih, Julianas, Awal Ramdan, Agus Subianto, Saeful Malkan, Azrul Azlan, Abdullah Jusoh, Narciso F Castro
The Impact of Bitcoin Fluctuations, Exchange Rates and Interest Rates on JCI
Yuni Wahyuningsih, Basrowi, Rani Sri Sumarsih, Adysta Carina Tawakal, Nurul Annur, Mark Luis Randolph S Vinluan
The Influence of Profitability, Liquidity, Solvency, and Company Size on Company Value in the Food and Beverage Industry Registered on BEI for the 2019-2023 Period
Hanz Ysrael S. Fronda, Alexis B. Acosta, Allinah T. Delin, Benedict Esperanza, Crisa Y. Estrada, Crizia N. Quinto
SOLUPS: A Hybrid Solar Powered UPS Using Prismatic Lithium- Iron Phosphate Battery Pack
Nani Rohaeni, Sari Putri Pertiwi, Eva Fitri Andriani, Amartya Nadhia Annisa
Return on Assets of Construction Sector Companies Moderates The Determinants of Tax Avoidance
Mia Alfia, Muhamad Anton Habsyi, Reza Ajeng Rahayu, Rushadi, Ade Hendrayana, Saleeza, Hafizah
The Influence of Current Ratio, Debt to Equity, and Return on Assets on Stock Prices in The Media and Entertainment Subsector Companies Listed on The Indonesia Stock Exchange
Siti Magfiroh, Basrowi, Rani Sri Sumarsih, Achiron Solihin, Ryan Fahmi, M Rizki Rinaldi, Ade Mulyana, Ahmad Ahsanul Fidaa, Muhd Haziq Azwan, Karen Lea A Estira
The Influence of Current Ratio, Debt To Equity Ratio, and Total Asset Turn Over on Return on Assets in Manufacturing Companies Listed on the IDX for the 2019-2023 Period
Yola Fayunada, Basrowi, Yosie Kristin Pandriyani, Atoillah, Lisa, Imas Masitoh, Fadyla, R Rulan, Alvin Nadian Damara, Yam Min Xuan, Soriano Charles Dustein E
The Influence of Insurance Company Health, Premium Growth, Claim Burden, and Underwriting on Profitability of Insurance Companies in Indonesia
Rian Andika Putra, Aries Sapta Taruna, Eneng Rahayu Komala, Muslihatul Janah, Sheiha Sajida, Datuk Prof Fadhil, Hariz Haiqal Hafisyah, Abelardo Abalos
The Influence of Cash Turnover, Receivables Turnover, and Inventory Turnover on Profits (Case Study on Food and Beverage Companies Listed on The Indonesian Stock Exchange Period 2019-2023)
Budi Burhanudin AS, Sutisna, Mamay Komarudin
Analysis of the Decision to Choose a Store Seen from Product Quality, Product Diversity, and Digital Communication with Store Image as an Intervening Variable
Asifa Nur Afrida, Basrowi, Rani Sri Sumarsih, Restu Ambiani, Igna Sarova Putriyani N, Saripudin, M Filman Ghaida, Sitti Aminah Arshad, Nur Qamarina Hashan, Ma Jasmine J De Guzman
The Influence of Company Size, Leverage, and Profitability on Company Value in the Food and Beverage Industry in the Year Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the 2019-2023 Period
TB. Heri Kusnadi, Ratna Ningsih, Suherni, Eneng Nurhasanah, Hindun
The Influence of Mastery of Digital Literacy and Innovation Ability on Welfare with Intervening Variables on the Performance of Fisheries MSME Actors in Serang Regency
Yulistiyani, Basrowi, Rani Sri Sumarsih, Muhammad Faqih C M, Bambang M. Saputra, M Faqih Chairurrijal M, Awal Ramdan, Priyaartharshini Chandrasekaran, Herley Jaubin, Gie Anne D Viado
The Influence of Liquidity, Profitability and Leverage on Financial Distress Conditions in State-Owned Banks Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the 2019-2023 Period