A Comparative Study of Distributed Clock Synchronization Algorithms


Distributed clock synchronization
synchronization algorithms
distributed system

How to Cite

Hortizuela, R. (2021). A Comparative Study of Distributed Clock Synchronization Algorithms. Southeast Asian Journal of Science and Technology, 6(2 (SI). Retrieved from https://sajst.org/online/index.php/sajst/article/view/213


This paper explores the concept of distributed clock synchronization and its use cases. It examines the algorithms that were implemented in various researches over the years. This paper highlights the different factors which affect the performance of clock synchronization in a distributed system and compares the performance of existing synchronization methods to analyze their impairments and shortcomings and tries to present possible solutions to address the issues currently faced in distributed clock synchronization. In order to gather literature, Manu Bhatia’s method of qualitative research was implemented. For the comparison of the algorithms, specific parameters of comparison have been defined such as fault tolerance, scalability, energy efficiency, approach, accuracy, and purpose of implementation based on the standards set by the ISO/IEC 27002:2013. Several factors that affect the performance of distributed clock synchronization have been uncovered such as failures and errors, scalability, sleeping schedule, and finally, security attacks. Seven algorithms were examined and compared which are implemented from the year 2015 to 2019. The results of the comparative study show that among the seven recently implemented clock synchronization algorithms including the most commons protocols, the Network Time Protocol (NTP) and Precision Time Protocol (PTP), Xie’s Algorithm which uses a fast algorithm for consensus and allow solutions for truly scalable networks exemplary met the standards and stands out having the highest level of accuracy


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