Work-Life Balance of Public Teachers in Higher Education Institution


Work-Life Balance
Public Teachers
Higher Education

How to Cite

Javier, C., & Rosal, A. J. (2021). Work-Life Balance of Public Teachers in Higher Education Institution. Southeast Asian Journal of Science and Technology, 6(2 (SI). Retrieved from


As a teacher, it may be extremely difficult to strike a healthy balance between professional and personal life. It is quite difficult for a teacher to fulfill responsibilities without putting in additional hours. Maintaining a healthy work-life balance is one of the most important factors that may assist instructors in being more productive and efficient in their profession. The authors of this research explored the work-life balance of educators working in higher education institutions, namely public school instructors. The conclusion that the designation of the instructors, their form of appointment, the academic stream in which they are teaching, and the character of the institution in which they are serving all impact the quality of work life balance that individuals experience led to the creation of the research. According to the findings, the majority of the educators have an inadequate balance between their personal lives and their professional lives. The findings of the study will be significant for those responsible for formulating policies and administration at schools.


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