Examining the Role of Technological Accessibility in Online Cheating Among College Students in a State University in the Philippines


college students
online cheating behaviors
technological accessibility

How to Cite

Castaño, P. P. (2020). Examining the Role of Technological Accessibility in Online Cheating Among College Students in a State University in the Philippines. Southeast Asian Journal of Science and Technology, 5(1). Retrieved from https://sajst.org/online/index.php/sajst/article/view/266


This research paper examines the role of technological accessibility in online cheating behaviors among college students in a state university in the Philippines. The study aims to identify the level of technological accessibility, determine the prevalence and types of online cheating behaviors, and explore the relationship between technological accessibility and online cheating. A descriptive-correlation research design was employed, and data was collected through a structured survey questionnaire from a sample of 63 college students. The findings reveal that participants had a high level of access to devices and proficiency in technology. A significant number of participants admitted to engaging in various forms of cheating, with plagiarism, unauthorized collaboration, and using external sources during online exams being the most common types. The analysis indicates a moderate positive correlation between technological accessibility and the prevalence of online cheating behaviors. Higher levels of technological accessibility are associated with a greater likelihood of engaging in online cheating. These results align with previous studies highlighting the influence of technology on cheating behaviors. The study emphasizes the importance of addressing technological accessibility and its impact on academic integrity in hybrid learning environments. Educational institutions and policymakers should implement proactive measures to promote ethical conduct, including clear guidelines on academic integrity, monitoring systems, and supportive interventions. This research contributes to the understanding of the dynamics between technological accessibility and online cheating, emphasizing the need for collaborative efforts to foster academic integrity in the digital age.


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