Leadership Development: Perspective of Student Leaders in Pangasinan State University



How to Cite

Soriano, R., Benito, V., Dela Rosa, R., & Rique Jr., D. (2021). Leadership Development: Perspective of Student Leaders in Pangasinan State University . Southeast Asian Journal of Science and Technology, 6(2 (SI). Retrieved from https://sajst.org/online/index.php/sajst/article/view/271


This study was conducted to determine the student Extent of Leadership Development Perspective in terms of Leadership Mentoring and Management, Leadership Recognition, Leadership Development Program, Degree of Seriousness of the Problems Encountered by Student Leaders, and the relationship between the Extent of the Leadership Development to the respondents’ profile.

The study employed a descriptive-correlational research design to address the research problem. Survey questionnaires through google forms were disseminated to the 44 Supreme Student Council (SSC) respondents which was determined through Convenience Sampling. The data and information gathered were treated with frequency percentage, average weighted mean, and Pearson correlation.

 Findings revealed that the indicators in the Extent of Leadership Development Perspective in terms of Leadership Mentoring and Management, Leadership Recognition, and Leadership Development Programs are outstanding as manifested to its overall weighted mean of 4.34. The Degree of Seriousness of the Problems Encountered by the Student Leaders in terms of Leadership Mentoring and Management, Leadership Recognition, and Leadership Development Programs are Neutral as manifested by the weighted mean of 3.33. Moreover, it was determined that there is no significant relationship between the perceived Extent of the Leadership Development Perspective and the Profile of the Respondents namely age, sex, course, year level, and position in the organization.


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