Information Literacy Competencies of Pre-Service Teachers of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs)


Information literacy
information literacy competency
pre-service teachers

How to Cite

De Vera, G., & Valencerina, R. (2022). Information Literacy Competencies of Pre-Service Teachers of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). Southeast Asian Journal of Science and Technology, 7(1), 48-59. Retrieved from


This study aimed to determine the information literacy competencies of the pre-service teachers of higher education institutions in Pangasinan and the various factors influencing their performance. There were seven hundred seventy-seven (777) pre-service teachers who served as the respondents of the study. A complete enumeration technique was employed in choosing the respondents. An Information Literacy Standard Test was administered by the researcher with the assistance of the College Deans and program Heads of the Higher Education Institutions in Pangasinan to gauge their information literacy standards.

Most or 44% of the pre-service teachers belonged to the age range of 21-23 years old, are females (75.3%); taking Bachelor of Secondary Education specialize in English (31%) belonged to the third year (41%) have garnered a GPA of 1.75 for the second semester of 2019-2020 and first semester of 2020-2021 (40.7% and 39.5%); with a monthly family income ranging from P5001-10,000 (28.3%). Most of the respondents’ mothers and fathers are high school graduates (32.8% and 32.6%) respectively. In terms of frequency of use of various sources of information at home, 696 out of 777 or 89.6% of the pre-service teachers always used Google, with an average weighted mean of 4.84. The most frequently used printed sources of information at home are dictionary, textbook and bible as indicated by the average weighted mean of 3.86, 3.7 and 3.46 respectively; while, the least frequently read are almanac and thesaurus with the average weighted mean of 2.1 and 2.47 respectively.

Pre-service teachers in public colleges/universities have higher level of information literacy standards as compared to those enrolled in private. Also, those pre-service teachers enrolled in Pangasinan State University have a higher level of acquisition of information literacy standards. Males have higher level of information literacy competencies than females. Significant majority marked much acquired in their information literacy competencies. There is no significant difference of the MAPEH versus non-MAPEH majors, Math versus non-Math majors, and Science versus non-Science major, and the level of information literacy competencies. Almost all the printed and online information sources significantly contributory to the level of Information literacy competencies of the pre-service teachers while utilization of Messenger and Instagram is not contributory with the information literacy competencies.


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