The Influence of Mastery of Digital Literacy and Innovation Ability on Welfare with Intervening Variables on the Performance of Fisheries MSME Actors in Serang Regency


Mastery of Digital Literacy
Innovation Capability
Performance of MSME Players

How to Cite

Kusnadi, T. H., Ningsih, R., Suherni, Nurhasanah, E., & Hindun. (2024). The Influence of Mastery of Digital Literacy and Innovation Ability on Welfare with Intervening Variables on the Performance of Fisheries MSME Actors in Serang Regency . Southeast Asian Journal of Science and Technology, 9(1), 208-223. Retrieved from


The research aims to investigate the influence of mastery of digital literacy and innovation skills on welfare with the intervening variable the performance of fisheries MSME actors. The research location is in Serang district, Banten Province. The type of research used is quantitative. The author decided to take a sample of 250 respondents from the calculation results. There were seven findings obtained. Three variables, namely digital marketing literacy, innovative thinking patterns, and digital marketing literacy have a positive effect on the competitiveness of small businesses. Each positive value in the parameter coefficient means that the higher the three variables, the higher the competitiveness of small businesses. The next two variables show that each variable, namely innovative thinking patterns and small business competitiveness, has a significant effect on small business performance. Small business competitiveness does not have a mediating effect between digital marketing literacy and small business performance. This shows that digital marketing literacy can directly influence the performance of small businesses. However, it does not have an indirect effect through the mediation of small business competitiveness. From the results of the total effects analysis, it was found that the relationship between variables was still significant with a P-value of 0.001 < 0.05 (alpha significance 5%). Thus, it can be concluded that this mediation is only pseudo or partial (partially mediating). The hope is that by improving these factors, the welfare of fisheries MSME players will improve due to high performance.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 TB. Heri Kusnadi, Ratna Ningsih, Suherni, Eneng Nurhasanah, Hindun