A Validated Module in Biological Science for College Students in the Philippines

How to Cite

Camara, J. (2016). A Validated Module in Biological Science for College Students in the Philippines. Southeast Asian Journal of Science and Technology, 1(1), 65-70. Retrieved from https://sajst.org/online/index.php/sajst/article/view/49


This study could be the first attempt in developing instructional materials for use in Higher Education Institutions or HEIs after the K to 12 BEC was signed into law. This study aimed to develop a module in Biological Science proposed for use by college freshmen in the Philippines, and measure the level of its content validity. Using an updated syllabus, questionnaire-checklist and feedback report sheet, a 294-page-16-chaptered Module in Biological Science was written and revised by the researcher, and was content validated by eight (8) experts in the field of Science from various HEIs and DepEd, including a book publisher for the module’s lay-out and graphics. Data revealed that the respondents were not using any module in teaching Biological Science, and materials that served as alternatives were being used merely occasionally. Further, while data revealed that the respondents were generally satisfied with existing instructional materials or EIMs used in teaching Biological Science, they are moderately satisfied with the EIMs’ graphical presentation and evaluation activities. Furthermore, the content-evaluators generally rated the proposed module in Biological Science as ‘Very Highly Valid’ in all aspects, namely: objectives, content, sequence, graphical presentation, evaluation activities, and consistency. With these findings, the researcher concludes that the proposed module in Biological Science can be used as main or supplementary material in teaching College Biology. The researcher recommends continuous validation of the 16-page Module in Biological Science once the Commission on Higher Education has designed the new curriculum for the subject since the implementation of the K to 12 BEC has installed change in the curricula presently in use.


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