Learning Style Preferences of Hospitality Management (HM) Students of Pangasinan State University, Philippines: Basis for Enriched Pedagogical Strategies

How to Cite

Mejia, R., Queroda, P., & Mangrobang, S. (2018). Learning Style Preferences of Hospitality Management (HM) Students of Pangasinan State University, Philippines: Basis for Enriched Pedagogical Strategies . Southeast Asian Journal of Science and Technology, 3(1), 105-109. Retrieved from https://sajst.org/online/index.php/sajst/article/view/104


This manuscript focused on determining the learning style preferences of Hospitality Management (HM) students from Pangasinan State University. Selected HM students from respective year levels served as respondents of the study and were chosen thru stratified random sampling technique. Mixed method was utilized in the study. Survey questionnaire and interview were the instruments in gathering the data. Indicators from the questionnaire were adapted from the Learning Styles Inventory by Wyman and Shalaway. To obtain substantial results and findings, suitable statistical tools were made use of in the analysis of the data such as average weighted mean and percentage. The study's findings revealed that the students highly manifest visual learning styles.


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